The COOML Project:
Constructive Object Oriented Modelling
- Camillo Fiorentini, AM, Mario Ornaghi
and Iman
Poernomo. A constructive approach to testing model
transformations. ICMT 2010:
77-92 (link). (PDF)
Springer, (DOI).
- Mario Ornaghi,
Camillo Fiorentini ,
Alberto Momigliano and Francesco Pagano. Applying ASP to UML Model
LPNMR 2009 . (PDF) .
@Springer. (Slides).
- Camillo Fiorentini ,
Alberto Momigliano, and
Mario Ornaghi.
Towards a type discipline for Answer Setprogramming. S. Berardi, F.
Damiani, and U. de Liguoro (Eds.): TYPES 2008, LNCS 5497, pp. 117-135,
2009 @ Springer-Verlag Berlin. (PDF).
- Camillo
Fiorentini and
Answer Set Semantics vs. Information Term Semantics. ASP 2007:
Answer Set Programming: Advances in Theory and Implementation,
September 2007.
(PDF). (Slides).
- MauroFerrari,
Alberto Momigliano and MarioOrnaghi.
Snapshot Generation in a Constructive Object-oriented Modeling
Language. In Logic Based Program Synthesis and Transformation,
LOPSTR'07. Revised Selected Papers, LNCS, vol. 4914, pp. 169-184, 2008.
Extended version with proofs (PDF).
- Mario
Ornaghi, Marco
Benini, Mauro
Ferrari, Camillo
and Alberto Momigliano. A Constructive Modeling Language for Object
Oriented Information Systems. In Proceedings of the Workshop on the
Constructive Logic for Automated Software Engineering. Edited by S.
Allen, J. Crossley, K.-K. Lau and I. Poernomo,
ENTCS, vol. 153(1), pp. 55-75, 2006.
- Mario
Ornaghi, Marco
Benini, Mauro
Ferrari, Camillo
and Alberto Momigliano. A Constructive Modeling Language for Object
Oriented Information Systems CLASE
2005. Talk slides (PDF) (PPT)
- Mario
Ornaghi, Camillo
Fiorentini and Alberto Momigliano. Snapshots generation via
constructive logic. MoVeLog'05,
October 2005. Abstract.
The project is (very) partially supported by Erasmus.
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Pages maintained by Alberto Momigliano, amomigl1@inf.ed.ac.uk.